Herbert’s Video – I Feel Great

Posted February 3rd, 2011 in Psychology of Disease by Rebecca Lane

I just spent 6 minutes watching this video

It offers a great example of how your beliefs can change your life.

Mirrors in Daily Life

Posted February 2nd, 2011 in Psychology of Disease by Rebecca Lane

Yesterday I had a disagreement with a very special person – and it really shook me. Perhaps it wasn’t so much the disagreement, but the strength of the reaction to what I had said, that upset me. So, of course, I’ve done nothing but think about it since – I’m sure many of you can relate!What I’ve been thinking about is that everything in life happens for a reason. And people come into your life for a reason. And disagreements happen for a reason. You can choose to investigate this further, or not.When I chose to investigate, I realized that this disagreement had occurred to act as a mirror for me. A part of what had been said was important for me to look at and work on myself. Isn’t it always that way?The negative that I had seen in the other, was actually a reflection of something in me. Whenever we see something in another that causes alarm bells to go off, its not only about them – its about us. The Divine is always giving us opportunities to grow and develop. Its our decision to see them or not.After all this – here’s my Insight of the Day!“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

John Quincy Adams1767-1848, Sixth President of the United States

Isn’t it amazing how many opportunities for growth we are given each day?

Bottled Water

Posted February 1st, 2011 in Bottled Water by Rebecca Lane
Interesting article from Dr. Mercola – https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/01/21/best-and-worst-bottled-water-brands.aspxWe’ve been using Santevia’s water system and so far are very happy with the water my family is enjoying – to do your own research, check here: https://santevia.comLet me know what you think!

The Hormone Diet – FREE E-class

Posted February 1st, 2011 in Breast Cancer, Hormone Disrupting Chemicals HDCs, Hormone Therapy by Rebecca Lane
Was just going through Facebook and found out that the Health Lady has organized a FREE e-class with Dr. Natasha Turner. To sign up – go to https://www.facebook.com/notes/health-lady/free-teleclass-the-hormone-diet-with-dr-natasha-turner/10150094687461450Date: February 10 , 2010Starts: 5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDTEnd: 9:00 pm EasternThis will be a great introduction to hormone health for those who are just learning about our wonderful endocrine system!

Raw Foods Witch

Posted February 1st, 2011 in Breast Cancer, Meatless, Raw Foods by Rebecca Lane
Today I found a wonderful voice on the web – the Raw Foods Witch. Her site is fun, informative and really does take the scary out of raw food. Further, she has taken her passion for food and made a fabulous, interactive, versatile site for everyone to use. You can input your recipes and it will “magically” make a grocery list for you. Even more, she has some great posts that really bring the whole in holistic to mind. When you get a chance, go visit her site, and stop by this great post: https://rawfoodswitch.com/alternative-health/breast-cancer-emotional-reactions-glimmer-hope/. Make sure that you sign up for her Cues – you’ll find yourself waiting for Wednesdays!Way to go Nathalie – great job! Thanks for providing valuable information without being militant about it.