Just found this great blog – thought you might enjoy too: https://wiseeats.wordpress.com/
Wendy Fradette-Willliamson
Just found out last night that one of my special friends passed away from cancer last week – Wendy Fradette-Willliamson . https://ow.ly/2bmoD
Does it get better than this?
Listening to Filipa Giordano while making Ricki Heller’s vegetable burgers – no kids in the house! Does it get better than this? https://ow.ly/27NKL
Avocado ice cream?
Made my first attempt at avocado ice cream today – avocado, frozen berries, juice and a little maple syrup. I used my blender which wasn’t up to the task – but will try again with my food processor.
Hospitals integrate with community
Just found this Globe article about hospital in Vancouver starting to integrate with community. https://ow.ly/27shZ Great opportunity.
Made Avocado Pesto Pasta for supper
Made that Avocado Pesto Pasta for supper – it was amazing from Vegan chef – https://www.chefchloe.com/
Just finished baking Jae Steele’s Cowgr
Just finished baking Jae Steele’s Cowgrrl cookies! Picky Alex has already eaten 3 and they aren’t even cold yet! Thanks Jae! https://ow.ly/27hhX
You know there is something wrong with a
You know there is something wrong with a person when, on a day like today, she orders 4 yards of compost! That’s a lot of s**t!
Was just baking Ricki’s recipe for Carob
Was just baking Ricki’s recipe for Carob and Cashew cookies and thought I’d go check out her site: https://ow.ly/26VdZ
Did you see these? Top 9 Must Read Socia
Did you see these? Top 9 Must Read Social Media and Marketing Articles For March 2010 https://sn.im/vai3z #socialmedia #marketing