What’s on a Label?

Posted October 22nd, 2010 in Nutrition Articles and tagged by Rebecca Lane

Just found this information (page 258 – 260 of  The Hormone Diet by Natasha Turner, N.D.) – think it’s useful:

  1. Check ingredients – look for:
    1. hormone-hindering ingredients (processed meats, white flour, white rice, enriched flour, refined flour, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, shortening, margarines, trans fats, saturated fats, foods containing aspartame and artificial sweeteners, artificial food colouring, preservatives, sulphites, nitrites)
    2. hidden sugars (is sugar the first ingredient? if so, put it back on the shelf – these are some other names for sugar-like compounds dextran, dextrose, diatase, caramel, diastatic malt, ethyl maltol, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, sorbitol, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, lactose)
  2. Check serving size – is it realistic?
  3. Check amount of carbohydrates: on average female 30-40g/meal; male 40-50g/meal
  4. Check amount of protein: on average female 25-30g/meal; male 35-40g/meal
  5. Check fat content: on average female 10-12g/meal; male 12-15g/meal – beware of trans fats and saturated fats.
  6. Check fibre content – if less than 2 g per serving then NOT a great choice
  7. Check sodium content – choose products less than 140 mg of sodium
  8. Check calorie content – female should eat between 400 – 500 calories per meal and males between 500 – 600 calories per meal (this is a rough estimate)

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